Unveiling the Tactics of Tech Support Scams: A Guide to Vigilance

Tech support scammers employ a variety of tactics to deceive individuals, and being able to identify these strategies is crucial in avoiding falling victim to their schemes.

1. Phone Calls: Tech support scammers frequently initiate phone calls, posing as computer technicians from reputable companies. They assert they’ve detected an issue with your computer and often request remote access to conduct a diagnostic test. Subsequently, they fabricate problems and attempt to coerce payment for non-existent issues.

Guidance: If an unexpected call claims computer issues, hang up immediately.

2. Pop-Up Warnings: Scammers may deploy pop-up windows on your computer screen, mimicking error messages from your operating system or antivirus software. These messages, adorned with logos from trusted entities, warn of a security issue and urge you to call a specified phone number for assistance.

Guidance: Ignore pop-up warnings asking you to call a number; genuine security alerts never prompt such actions.

3. Online Ads and Search Listings: Scammers endeavor to feature their websites prominently in online search results for tech support or may run their ads. The intention is to entice individuals to call a provided phone number for assistance.

Guidance: When seeking tech support, opt for a known and trusted company.

Key Points to Evade Tech Support Scams:

  1. Legitimate Contact: Genuine tech companies won’t initiate contact via phone, email, or text to inform you of computer issues.
  2. Security Pop-Up Warnings: Authentic tech companies’ warnings will never instruct you to call a phone number or click a link.

What to Do if You Suspect Computer Issues:

  • Update your computer’s security software and perform a scan.
  • Seek assistance from known and trusted sources, such as reputable software companies or in-person support from computer equipment stores.

Actions if You Were Scammed:

  • If payment was made via credit or debit card, contact your card company or bank immediately to potentially reverse the charges.
  • For payments made with gift cards, reach out to the issuing company promptly for potential refunds.
  • If remote access was granted, update security software, run a scan, and remove identified issues.
  • If username and password were compromised, change passwords promptly, especially if used elsewhere.

Reporting Tech Support Scams: If targeted by a tech support scam, report it to the FCRA here. Your report help build cases against scammers.

Why Report Fraud? By reporting scams, you contribute to the fight against fraud. Share your knowledge about recognizing tech support scams to help others avoid falling prey to these deceptive practices.